2007 we sailed the beautiful Islands of Croatia
June 28, 2007
Day 1
We spend this first day of our trip wandering around the the beautiful city of Split. The buildings and surroundings are made of amazing stonework. What a gorgeous city.

June 29, 2007
Day 2
We had a free day today, so Sue and I rented a car and drove into Bosnia for lunch. Yeah yeah, but why not? If you can ignore the bullet holes on the buildings, it's actually a beautiful country

June 30, 2007
Day 3
Another day of sight-seeing in Split, but at the end of the day we went out to the marina and got on our sailboat. This will be our transportation and hotel for the next two weeks. Tomorrow we hit the seas!

July 01, 2007
Day 4
Today was our first day sailing the boat. We started in the marina near Split and sailed for 3+ hours to a remote quiet cover where we bed down for the night. Dinner was on the boat. Tomorrow we set out for a longer sail

July 02, 2007
Day 5
Day of sailing. Along the way we stopped for a nice swim. Then continued to the city of Primošten, where we had dinner on a rooftop before retiring to the boat for a good night of sleep

July 03, 2007
Day 6
Today we sailed from the city of Primosten up river (from salt to brackish to fresh water) to the Skradinskin Waterfalls. They were beautiful. There was a grist mill there we toured and many boardwalk trails to enjoy the beauty of the falls.

July 04, 2007
Day 7
Nice long day of sailing. We start in the fresh water of the river and work our way back down to the Adriatic Sea. Along the way we stop for a nice swim before completing out trip and docking in the city of Kornati

July 05, 2007
Day 8
Nice Long day on the boat today. We sailed around the rest of the island we were on Otok Kornat and continued back the way we came in the day before. Of course there was a stop to swim and eat lunch along the way. Then we continued to the island of Otok Zirje. Very scenic island and the waters here were beautiful in bright shades of blue and green.

July 06, 2007
Day 9
Nice sail from the island of Otok Zirje to the City of Trogir. Of course we had a lunch/swim break along the way

July 07, 2007
Day 10
Today was a nice simple 4+ hour sail from the city of Trogir to Stari Grad. We got there and did some sight-seeing of the city. The sunset from here was amazing tonight

July 8, 2007
Day 11
We started our day on Stari Grad and sailed over to a peninsula that is found off the island of Brac that is a sort of recreation area. It has beaches and lots of fun activities like rafting, tubing, parasailing, etc. We stop here for lunch and took a swim before continuing on to the city of Hvar

July 9, 2007
Day 12
We started our day in Hvar. A little more sight-seeing in the morning of the beautiful city before setting sails and heading in an almost straight line in a southeasterly direction to the city of Korcula. Another day of beautiful weather and sailing

July 10, 2007
Day 13
Today we left Korcula and had a wonderful day of sailing. The winds were great and the sailing was prefect. Out final destination was Polace. One of the other boats had a line tangled up during their sail, and when we final all got to port, Mike volunteered to climb up and untangle things. After some drinks and relaxing, we sat down to some dinner. It was a good day.

July 11, 2007
Day 14
Short sail today than yesterday, but winds were blowing good again. We were able to sail from Polace all the way over to Sipanska Luka in four hours. It's great when we can raise the sails.

July 12, 2007
Day 15
Nice Sail today. We started in Sipansk Luka and worked our way along the southern side of the island range towards Dubrovnik. We stopped along the war for lunch at a popular 'hangout' place where other boats were lounging. From there we continued on to Dubrovnik and got the sea-side view of the beautiful fortress city. From there we continued southeasterly to our destination city of Cavtat. There we had a farewell dinner for the full flotilla to say goodbye to our sailing friends.

July 13, 2007
Day 16
This was our last sail in Croatia. It was a very short sail from the city of Cavtat over to the marina where we had to return out boat. It was nice to pass Dubrovnik one more time. The next few days we will explore this city from the inside.

July 14-16, 2007
Day 17-19
The rest of our trip (3 days) was spent hang and exploring the city of Dubrovnik. We spent the days walking around and hitting all the sight there was to see. This city has much beauty. It's hard to believe such a place was built by man. I'd like to see the plans for this city. Wonder what it looked like when the first stone was laid.